Make Marketing Great Again (EN)
‘Ladies and gentlemen. I am officially running…’, ‘Am I running…?’ Anyway, I am going to build a wall and I’m going to show you the hidden tunnel.
Most marketing these days has become some washed up, overaware and oversensible bullshit.
Let’s be honest. It's terrible.
I don’t know about you, but at this point I’ve got so sick of transformers insuring me that it is safe to sit down on their flights just because they fit some woke quotes.
And the worst part of it is that local businesses see that shit and think: “well if they do it like that, that must be the way”.
Marketing is the sole reason that your local water brand can only be found in local stores while you can find ‘Evian’ water everywhere from downtown LA to the furthest away abandoned gas station in CHINA. You can clearly hear the pronunciation.
But Why Isn’t Marketing Great
As society gets softer and softer by the minute like a soaking sponge, businesses tend to want to please as many people as they are able to.
Have you ever heard of the term ‘group thinking’? Well, that hits it on the spot. If you give a single capable man the task to reach the target audience as well as he can with an ad…
You’ll get a result that is as good as that man's capabilities.
But once you ask a roundtable of entitled officers… See how the tables turn.
You see the more opinions you consider, when creating basically anything, the more washed up and pointless the result will be.
And in the end you will most probably piss off someone unintentionally anyway.
Let me take a second and really make this clear. If you take a laser pointer and aim at the wall. No matter what wall you pick, you will see the dot clearly. Now use the flashlight on your phone and try to aim at any of the walls you are surrounded by. Yes you see light, well done Nicola Tesla. But what have you really pointed out?...
Marketing Is Great
Some would say it is the oldest profession ever. Ever since we humans live and trade, there are some things that sell better, and some things that sell worse.
So how come we never really figured out a formula that always works.
Well… what if I tell you that we did.
The formula is… drumroll… MMM
Message - Market - Media
First you pick what message you want to represent. Is your product the best aid against headache? Or The best pizza in town? No matter the case. Pick your message and do it wisely.
Market! You wouldn’t want to sell to everyone like Nestle or some dork.
You know who your customers are and if you knew them any better you’d even know their names.
And last but not least - Media. What platform do your customers usually use? Where do they tend to get their information from? That’s where you pick them up and drag them to the counter.
Understand what you sell. Understand who you sell it to and ultimately… Understand how you sell whatever your profession is. That is the only key to growth.
And if you need any help determining one of those crucial factors. Hit us up and we’ll gladly join your journey to new heights.
See you soon,